
Computer Management

FT Cloud and FT Cloud+ Software is licensed for a single computer.
Read the FastTrack End User Licence Agreement.
"Main PC" is the computer licensed to use FT Cloud/FT Cloud+ Software. You can change your Main PC on this web page, but we require a $10 charge for each Main PC update.

To change your Main PC:
  • Click "Make Main PC" on the row of the Computer ID you wish to convert to your "Main PC."
  • Complete the payment details
  • Click "Make Purchase"
Your Main PC will update instantly and access to FT Cloud/ FT Cloud+ Software will be enabled for the Computer ID.
Sharing Accounts
If you are sharing an account with multiple users, we ask each user to maintain thier own account.

Sign Up for a New Account
Bulk Subscription
Bulk subscriptions are avaialble starting with 3 or more users, please contact
If you believe this is an error or have questions about your subscription, please contact or call us (866) 295-0166 x3

Account Computers

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You hereby authorize Investors FastTrack to charge you automatically every month/year until you cancel your subscription. Subscriptions are cancellable at any time at no cost.
By subscribing you agree to FastTrack's End User Licence Agreement